A fabulous new world, full of vampires, chains, lust, danger and love! Caris does it again!!!
In this first installment of the Men in Chains series, she introduces us to the world of the Ancestral Vampire. Immortal and powerful beyond imagination, Ancestrals live, secretly, in the many cave systems around the world. But their leadership has been corrupted by Daniel, a very old, powerful and sadistic vampire, and trafficking of human drugs and human sex slaves is on the rise.
Enter our hero Adrien, a beautiful 400 year old vampire with a painful past and bitterness towards humans. Absolutely gorgeous, as any good hero is, Adrien's got some issues stemming from his upbringing and a pretty big hostility towards humans. But he's powerful and kind and believable!
Lily is on this mission to save something from her past that was taken from her 2 years before when vampires killed her family. But of course she can't tell Adrien. I like this chick. She's no nonsense and keeps to her mission regardless if she's chained, literally to a hot stud muffin of a vampire.
I love that the journey they take together for the mission is actually the journey that they have to take for themselves and for each other. There are road bumps and obstacles that have to be dealt with but each of them has to deal with some of their own issues in order to get to the next stop. A hallmark of Caris's novels is the limits that the leads have set upon themselves with history or experience and how fate has led them to a point where they have to deal with those limits. They can't go forward because they are scared of something. Why are they scared? And Is it worth it? It's these elements that make this book and Caris's others so satisfying for me.
There is a lot of travel in this book. We jump all over the globe and see some pretty interesting settings with another of Caris's great ideas, Altered Flight! These vampires can fly through solid objects like buildings and mountains!
The heat level in this book is pretty high and I was pleased with some of the creative directions she went in in the bedroom. Hot, hard, intense and rough, Caris always keeps sex to a high class level that I appreciate in the romance genre.
The only thing I could wish for in this book was that it was longer and we had more time to spend with Adrien and Lily.
I give this book 5 stars because I could read it without stopping as in I MUST turn the page, even if it makes me late for work. And I will re-read it again in the future.
And I cannot wait till the release of the next in the series Chains of Darkness Coming in April 2014!
I strongly recommend Caris Roane's
Ascension SeriesAscension (The Guardians of Ascension)
and her
Blood Rose SeriesEmbrace the Dark (The Blood Rose)